Saturday, October 17, 2009

ahhh.. finally a reason to blog

alright. i'm doin' it.

admittedly, i'm a bit of a blog-a-phobe.

blog-a-phobe (blahg-ahhh-fobe) n. someone who wishes they could write a blog but for reasons including laziness, trepidation, fear of sharing, or a combination of aforementioned reasons, refuses to actually take proactive blog-writing actions, such as typing. blog-a-phobes are known to turn green with envy when reading other people's amusing rants and anecdotes.

but see... NOW i actually have a REASON to write.

before getting engaged, i searched high and wide inside my brain and soul for content that would amuse the public. i thought about a work-related blog, but let's face it, that's just enormously DANGEROUS. i thought about a blog about cooking, but i feared being sued for plagiarism (who knew THAT was the spelling??) like Seinfeld's wife. i thought about a site that would beg people to create funny little crafts, but i've been so slacking in the funny little craft department myself, that it would have just been hypocritical to solicit creativity from others (side note: if you still want to send me photos of creatures you are making with matchbooks and googly eyes, BY ALL MEANS. i will post them)!

but now - AHHH - with wedding planning chomping up all my brain space and soul and time like a sesame street furry monster, i have something to write about. i know, i know - there are so many brides-to-be out there blogging about this very matter, and in such a vast array of delicious ways. but this is for family and friends (MY PEEPS, YO!), and I do hope that if nothing else, it will keep you somewhat updated on my life, on C and my wedding plans, and on the amusing and sometimes ridiculous goings on of planning what i hope to be a very special day. and eventually, if we are very lucky and i actually do my job and maintain this site, it may just turn into a web page where you'll be able to find out PRACTICAL information regarding our wedding. ooh la la!

so, yayyy. another blog. can i hear a "woo hoo!"? at least kind of pretend you're excited. : )

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